Levinson Amps: What do they really sound like?

I have never been interested in Levinson amps, because I was given the opinion they were sterile, clinical, & lacked the palpability of other top SS amps. However, I have seen a number of 'Gon members praise them recently.

What is your opinion of their sound compared to Plinius, Roland, Pass, McCormack, Ayre, etc.?

Showing 1 response by blackie

EVERY amp has sonic color, to say that Levinson's don't is wishful thinking. If that was the case, Madrigal wouldn't need to keep coming out with "improved" models. Current Levinson's, in my opinion, offer great resolution, deep soundstage but can also sound soft and dull. A high end amplifier really needs to be matched with the speakers and the individul's taste. Unfortunately there is no perfect amplifier, only those which make less mistakes.