Levinson amp accept "Bananas" ??

I think I already know the answer, but I will ask anyway.
In all the Mark Levinson amps I have looked at am I right that they will only accept Spades? I have a double run of Harmonix speaker cables and the one pair I had made up with WBT locking Bananas only because I did not want to put 2 pairs of spades on my Gryphon 2200 Integrated as I felt to really make contact I would be putting more stress on the post then I would want to. Do I have any option if I want to keep this pair or do I buy another pair with spades if I want to try a Levinson? My speakers are Montana EPX ( Bi-wired )
Just trying to plan ahead as I may want to try the Levinson in the near future.

Showing 2 responses by nsgarch

The recent ML amps (of the last five years or so) seem to use some kind of binding post with a plastic twist handle nut. I don't know about those (on many levels!:~)) but everything before that used standard 5-way binding posts, which do accept bananas.
Whoaru99 is right about the non-standard center-to-center spacing of the ML binding posts. You would have to have a separate single banana plug on each speaker lead, and preferably the locking type. Bananas make great contact actually; the problem is they can slip (or be pulled) out if you use the garden variety ones.