Levinson 383 integrated vs Moon i-7 integrated

I'm looking at buying a good integrated.
I've heard the Moon i-7 and the BAT VK300x.
A friend of mine said to look at a used Levinson 383 integrated.
My speakers are Verity "Fidelios", Harmonic Tech's "Magic One" XLR interconnects.
Any feedback will help.

Showing 2 responses by sallycaine

Thanks for all your feedback.
Another audiophile friend said to look at the Jeff Rowland integrated "Concerto". It's rated at 250w into 8 ohms.
Has anyone ever owned this piece? It only weighs 26 lbs..while other integrateds are at 50-80 lbs.
I know that Jeff Rowland integrated's are designed differently than most. Rowland is able to get more power out without the units weighing tons. I have a customer that manufactures 200w amps for announcement systems...their units weigh very little.
I do know that I've always read great reviews on the Rowland gear. I'd like to take a listen first before I make a choice. Sally