Levinson 36 to 360s help needed

Hi everyone,

my current systems are
Gear = Levinson 36, 37, 380S and 333
Speakers = Totem The One
Cables = Cardas Golden Ref + Golden Cross
Power = Hydra 8

Thinking of upgrading the DAC to 360s, at close to doubling the cost of 36....Sonically would it be of much difference? if so in what way?

Thanks everyone!
Thanks for all the inputs...I decided with the upgrade to 360s yesterday. My initial listening yesterday voiced all your inputs that it’s considerably better than the 36. I’m very happy with the upgrade.

The last point mentioned Raquel is an interesting one to me as I logically, completely agree and believes that with all technology this holds true (Newer version with higher computation power should be better at lower cost) but as you know buying HiFi (at least for me is part emotion so I guess I still like that old charm of the Levinson of separting DAC and Transport.

The only updated info. I’ve found re 360S is from Steroephile website where they did a comparison of all the high end DAC (Think it was in Mid 2003) and based on the reviewer comments the Levinson is still on top but again this was 5 years ago. Not sure how it holds up now with the best today.

Thanks again all!

I think you'd find that in some ways the 360s might be better or equaled, but besides the better computational power the new DACS have, I doubt if many of the new units (unless they are very expensive) would provide the power supply, superior circuitry, and execution the Levinson gear would have. The Levinson DACS are very musical and depending on the system, may be still competive to most systems out there. At any rate I think you'll enjoy it. I did when I owned one!

Not sure when you posted this.The dates are unclear-was it in 2006 or 2008 and if you did have the 36 upgraded in 2008,could you tell me who did the upgrade?
I have been trying for the last several months to upgrade my 36 and have been told by both Levinson and their 2 auth.service centers that the upgrades are no longer available