

Responses from bighick

Levinson 36 to 360s help needed
ChantankNot sure when you posted this.The dates are unclear-was it in 2006 or 2008 and if you did have the 36 upgraded in 2008,could you tell me who did the upgrade?I have been trying for the last several months to upgrade my 36 and have been told... 
Levinson 37 transport acting up
As for the skipping-I had a similar problem,and I picked up an inexpensive lens cleaner from Radio Shack and it fixed the problem. 
Levinson 432 VS. Bryston 4 BSST
I have an all Levinson front end-320S,36/37 and I love them.You may also want to consider an amp like the Pass X350.They go for similar money used,and you will not have any of the dependability issues you may have with the Levinson.Levinson doesn'...