Levinson 33 Archaic????

While telling a Pro-Audio buddy about Big Levinson, Pass, and GamuT amps and this was his response....

That's funny how these archaic amps designs think there the best and most powerful. Its funny because every so called high end sight claims there the best. Crown makes an amp that that is 10,560 watts into .85 ohm. Eighty (80) 250watt output transistors. Final output of 150 volts at an amazing 180 amps. Now that's high voltage and high amperage. Show me a amp that can beat that?

I know all this power really doesn't have anything to do with how it sounds...I was a bit shocked....what can I say?

By the way, how are the pro amps able to produce so much power out of a 120V/15A line with so little energy storage?

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Showing 1 response by mprime

What's funny is his response.

The real issue is there are only so many ways you can lay out a gain device, and over time - it turns out - that the simple circuits tend to perform better in audio applications. Of course, someone will jump in with manufacture X who does it Y way, but there are always exceptions. But when you look at the center of mass for quality amplification, it aggregates around some rather basic principles.

- Beef up the powersupply
- Simplify the gain circuits
- Keep the connecting paths short

Stuff EE's figured out decades ago.
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