Let's talk power cords

Does a upgrade really make a difference over a stock cord?

Showing 10 responses by lak

Here we go again!
This has been debated many times...
@jmcgrogan2, I could not stop laughing at your post, my friend!
@thirsty93, IMHO power cords do make a huge difference period.
Anyone that has not experimented with power cords should not comment about this question based upon common sense.
If one can’t hear the difference between several upgraded power cords and/or a stock power cord then I believe one of several factors come into play here.
Equipment isn’t up to the task to produce the differences in music.
Your ears are not trained to pick up the finer detail.
You have a hearing deficit and don’t realize it.
I would always recommend that if a stock power cord can be easily replaced, eventually do it when you have the cash. Many stores will allow an additional trial period so you can decied for yourself.
There are tuners you can use with thinner power cords to change the sound. They look like a thick wired spiral that you weave your power cord through and then listen to music as you slide it along the power cord until you like the sound. 
Yes, Chris is one of the good guys to deal with as are many others that I've had the pleasure to communicate with. :-)...
@jond I look forward to reading what you have to say about your new Furutech FP-S032N with gold FI-11 connectors on your power cord. I've read so many posts on the various Furutech wire that I don't remember if you have tried any of the other Furutech wire? Should sound quite nice on your preamp or Dac!

Oh! and +1 jmcgrogan2 (LOL)!
@grannyring, yes the Furutech SO22N (14 gauge) wire, when built properly along with the $39 per set carbon fiber barreled, rhodium plated connectors from China, does sound quite good on front-end components. I preferred the sound of the 14 gauge Furutech vs the larger gauges on the front-end. I realize that mileage may vary in different systems.
@arcticdeph, from my circuit box to my dedicated outlets I used 10 gauge wire.
Nothing wrong with that arcticdeth, the only important thing is to enjoy the music! ;-)
@fisher_400, although I don't disagree totally with your comments, I will agree that amps seem to be the least affected by power cords as long as the power cord one is using is of the correct gauge. The differences with power cords and my amps weither thay are solid state, tube, or class D is very challenging for me to her.
Better is always going to be in the ears of the beholder. 
Good systems aren't deficient they will produce music differently with a variety of different power cords but I don't think it can be proven to non-believers satisfaction because it's a matter of personal taste and hearing ability.