Let's talk power cords

Does a upgrade really make a difference over a stock cord?

Showing 30 responses by geoffkait

@cleeds ,
The statement he was contesting was that directionality makes a difference on a power cord. It was in this case the voice of reason; if you think about it, if a cord is working with AC power, directionality would cause the cable to heat up and fail or cause a fire. Clearly this isn’t happening and on a large scale- the idea of directionality is nonsense, and is a topic that should not be discussed beyond debunking it.

Its unfortunate that Geoff continues with this as essentially his comments are trolling.

Now if you engage in the idea of a directional power cord, then you are wasting your time, unless the entertainment value of doing so is valuable to you. Certainly it won’t make any difference in how your stereo sounds!

>>>>>>>Of the many peculiar things I’ve seen you say this one takes the cake. 🎂 Happy birthday! Where do you come up with this stuff? “Directionality would cause the cable to heat up and fail or cause a fire?!!” OMG!! 🔥Now I’ve heard everything. The tiny strands of wires in all power cords are directional since all wires are directional. But there I virtually no difference in how electricity is conducted either direction. Are you pretending to be slow?

Since power cords ARE inherently directional. We can assume your statement must be FALSE since there’s a 50% chance a given power cord is actually in the correct direction from the standpoint of directionlity. However, most manufacturers have been a little bit slow to catch up to Audioquest in this regard. And they’ve been slow to catch up to Audioquest in controlling directionality of HDMI cables. Do you seriously believe Audioquest advertises they control directionality for their new power cords to ensnare gullible and naive young well-heeled audiophiles in their clever directionality spider web? Give me a break!

For amp manufacturers, obviously the wire directionality is even more of an issue, given all the wire in the amp, including transformers, etc. are...you guessed it...directional and should therefore be controlled for directionality from the get go.

cheers, Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
OK. Purity of metal, gauge of conductor, geometry of conductor(s), dielectric material, length of power cord, stranded vs solid core, silver vs copper, broken in properly vs not, quality of connectors, cryogenically treated or not, controlled for directionality, e.g., the new line of power cords from Audioquest. Did I miss anything? 
There are many reasons why some power cords are better than others. It’s analogous to why some interconnects are better than others or why some fuses are better than others. It’s not rocket science. 🚀
If there even was directional wire, power cable manufacturers would be working really hard to build cables from non-directional wire since it would sound better.

As I opined previously, I’m not so sure Atmasphere completely comprehends what “directionality” refers to. Judging by his own words I’d say he doesn’t. No offense.  Audioquest controls directionality for not only their cables and interconnects but also their power cords. It’s not rocket science. 🚀 By controlling directionality the customer is assured of the best sound. All that is required is for the manufacturer to be AWARE of the issue and to control the manufacturing process accordingly. In fact the customer doesn’t even have to be aware there is such a thing as directionality. This is not some new tangled fad. Wire directionality has been known (by those who know 😀) for going on 20 years, which if I recall was the period of time Rip Van Winkle was asleep. 😴

Whoa! Look at me. I just finished saying don’t feed the Uber Skeptics. My bad.

have a wonderful day!
The mind of the Uber skeptic is not really that hard to figure out. As it turns out they really don’t care that much one way or the other. They don’t really have a dog in the fight. 🐶 It’s all about the action. Like whack-a-mole. Action...reaction! It’s sooo obvious. Even hear the expression, “Don’t feed the Uber Skeptics?” 
Don’t you even realize you cannot win an argument by calling someone a troll? This is SO funny!  You don’t even know what directional means. You have exactly zero evidence to support your case, in any case. Case closed. That’s 3 cases in a row.  Have a wonderful day.
Atmasphere, relax. Nothing is going to heat up or explode. I realize you almost for sure have not (rpt not) been following the whole wire directionality saga or you would not be driving so hard to the basket. The difference between resistance measurements for fuses was found to be quite small, although there were in fact differences. But certainly nothing to worry about. Less than 5% as I recall. Maybe less than 2%. Since wire IS in fact directional don’t you find it a little strange nobody’s House has burned to the ground? 🔥 Hel-loo! Differences in resistance are shown in the data sheets on the HiFi Tuning web site. These data sheets have only been mentioned and linked to like a Bazillion Times in the past several years. And it would certainly be easy enough to measure any wire yourself, you know, assuming you were the least bit curious.

Have a nice day

It’s a sure sign you’ve lost the debate as soon as the T word makes its appearance. Oh, well, better luck next time, dudes.
I am only peddling my bicycle. 🚴‍♂️ You are peddling the helpless manifesto of the mid fi pseudo skeptical mossback. 🦔
I have two words for you. Control the Directionality! Since all wire is directional even the teeny tiny stranded wires in power cords must be controlled for directionality, you know, like Audioquest does for their power cords. Hel-loo! 
I actually do not (rpt not) believe that anyone can tell anything about how a system sounds by knowing what components comprise the system or seeing photos of it. I don’t think you can intuit anything about the sound based on the speakers, the electronics or cables. I don’t think you can read between the lines or assume anything, even if the room is well organized with lots of room treatments and tweaks in plain view.
The problem is the Teleportation Tweak has no peer. So how can it be peer reviewed? Duh! Like applying for patents.it's not a good idea to submit to peer review if one wishes to keep a secret. Looselips sink ships. Besides let me remind you this is a hobby. There is no peer review committe or procrss. This is not the faculty of Harvard. Journal of Physics or AES.You could put 10 PhDs in physics in a room for a week and they would be unable to scratch the surface of the Teleportation Tweak. I do have an explanation of the Teleportation Tweak on my website,if that's of any help.

Peer reviews just slow me down. Science has become a lumbering bureaucracy that impedes progress. Full speed ahead! Toot, toot! Science is blissfully unaware. Let sleeping dogs lie.
I am afraid science is not a democracy.

Wrong again, Professor. Science is the very definition of a democracy. That’s what the whole peer review process is all about. It’s essentially a voting process. This why it takes so long for new ideas like relativity or gravity waves or black holes to be accepted as real. If science wasn't a democracy any Yutz in town could say, here's some new science, let's go! It’s a process. Not unlike the process of electing a US President.

Let's see a show of hand. Of those who don't believe - or aren't sure if - power cords are important how many believe that direction is not important for power cords as well as interconnects and speaker cables and fuses? Results at 11.
RE UK cable dealer fraud case. Turns out it was just the usual audiophile goat rope in which the very well known audio dealer Russ Andrews was accused by some magazine of "hyping" some audiophile cables that were claimed to arrest RFI/EMI. As far as I can determine there was no real court case, just a nasty article in the magazine. The usual, in other words. There was the little tidbit at the end of the article I ran across on line, which is a quote from Russ Andrews,

"We’re told... Your correspondent’s brief career as a sound professional was curtailed when it emerged he has "no ears", and thus isn’t qualified to comment."

So it goes. 😀

Reminiscent of The Amazing Randi fiasco in which the well known reviewer of Stereophile magazine was the subject of a Million dollar challenge. The challenge was to hear the difference between Monster Cable and a $20,000 high end cable in controlled blind tests. What could go wrong with that, right? Same old, same old.
willemj wrote,

"If you think you can make money from the discovery apply for a patent."

Patents are probably good for something but not for good ideas or discoveries. Why? Because you have to give away your good idea or discovery, you know, in the patent. Patents were invented by the Government to steal other peoples' ideas. I prefer not to give away my ideas or discoveries, thank you very much. Even if I wanted to I couldn’t afford it.
The way to obtain a small fortune in the high end audio business is start off with a large fortune.

There are no rules in this game. If you require approval for some idea or another that’s your problem. We’re going where no man has gone before. We’re going back. Back to the future! The scientific community is bogged down in their own trivia at the moment and cannot be bothered with audiophile trivia. 😬

Speaking of FACTS, willem, you haven't presented any. Science is simply an interpretation of reality. Real science doesn't pretend to know everything. It's only an approximation of reality. Real science is not arrogant but curious and investigatory. I broke two laws of science just yesterday. No biggie. I suspect the bigwigs of science probably have too much on their plates to start a whole investigation into audiophile power cords or fuse directionality. Just in case you might consider contacting NASA, MIT, AES or DARPA or NIST the next time you're in the states and see if they would settle this dispute. ;-)
willemj, you’re doing it again! Don’t attack me. I didn't invent electricity.  I’m just the messenger. 😃
"Anyone who insists he knows how electricity or quantum mechanics works probably doesn’t." - Richard Feynman

"Hell, if I could explain it to the average person, it wouldn’t have been worth the Nobel prize." - Richard Feynman

"Electricty is really just organized lightning." - George Carlin

willemj wrote,

"No but you keeep insisting that normal science does not apply, and you keep coming up with scientific nonsense. It is a bit like Russia’s continuing online campaign of falsehoods, aimed at undermining people’s confidence in facts. It obscures the divide between facts and ’alternative facts’ and thus creates a breeding ground for delusions."

>>>>Uh, willem, you’re doing it again. Name calling and calling someone crazy does not an argument make. I never said normal science doesn’t apply. Where did you get that from? You’re making stuff up.

Look, maybe when you present real facts then I’ll undermine them. Speaking of facts, here’s a fact. Electrons move only a few centimeters an hour. and since the power is AC they can never make it back to the power factory. They never even make it off the power cord! That's normal science. 
A voodoo priest? I was wondering what all those robes were doing in my closet.

Besides, I don’t sell power cords. I’m only trying to set the record straight. Can’t you produce a real argument instead of name calling and silly one liners?

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
Advanced Audio Concepts

It’s unlikely a scam since ensuring proper direction of the individual strands of the conductor in power cords (e.g., AudioQuest new Hurricane power cord) - just that one simple thing - can mean the difference between blah sound and great sound. Of course, geometry, purity of conductors, dielectric material, quality of connectors, cryogenics, burn in, things of that nature, just as for ANY cable, are also important. Besides, AC doesn't mean the flow of current that is going towards the wall goes all the way back to the power plant. Most of the action is in the power cord! And the electrons hardly move at all! Hel-loo!