lessloss blackbody

I have a couple of lessloss power cords and they are pretty good, but what is this blackbody, has anyone tried it. I love tweaks but even to me this seems a little crazy, what are your thoughts

Showing 7 responses by cwlondon

Having stumbled into this fascinating debate, I am willing to consider the benefits of this device, but in the spirit of objective analysis, I notice the following:


1) "C breaks", 2) "Bazza", 3) "Variety", 4) "Rezabib", 5) "Stani", and 6) "Burningpanda"

I notice that for all six of these seeminlgy unbiased, friendly and helpful Audiogon participants, their gushing testimonials are THEIR ONLY POST on the forum.

This is in sharp contrast to the skeptics who are well known to anyone who has spent time on this forum, and some of whom have been participating for years.

"Dietcrush" has two posts, yet both, or 100%, are praising this manufacturers products.

"VVW" also scores higher credibility with his staggering output of two posts, but nonetheless a full 50% of his written efforts devoted to praising this company's products.

SHILL, anyone?

Can you say "stuffing the ballot box"?

How about "CHUTZPAH"?

This thing makes Shakti stones look like the all time bargain in the history of high end audio.

As for the slightly more credible sounding Mr Weber, to my ears, his posts have joint venture/revenue sharing written all over them.

Further to my point, it seems I overlooked "alanwc".

Curiously, he also has only two posts in the forum, both of which gush over Lessloss products.

If you believe the claims about the blackbody, than the bionic woman actually uses a Sleep Number bed which she paid for with her own money.


"I post very infrequently."

Why would anyone with honest intent and unbaised participation in these forums need to defend the number and authenticity of their posts?

In my opinion, because they are yet another shill.

It's rings a little bit of "I'll be honest with you...or Let's be honest" which of course is the refrain only of people who are not always honest.


Audio Enthusiast Since 1978

No Agenda

I am not disappointed, and if you are a sincere enthusiast, you have my apology.

But to be clear, I have not yet knocked, or indeed even commented on the Blackbody device, as I have no experience with it.

For the record, my impression is that in a double blind, AB comparison, the Blackbody would make even a Tice Clock or a Shakti stone look like bargain priced tweaks with state of the art engineering. But that is another matter.

What I have commented on, however, is the obvious corruption of this thread by people who are presumably affiliated with the manufacturer.

They have appeared to both me and other long time Audiogon participants to have been stuffing the ballot box with glowing reviews of this expensive, and if I were betting in Vegas a spectacularly high margin, audaciously promoted device.

As someone who values the enthusiasm, intelligence and generally high integrity of this forum, I do not react well to thinly veiled infomercials.

It is not only unfair to people who are seeking honest advice, but worse, it is arrogant and condescending.



I am not being unfair.

If you or anyone else has purchased and find value in the Blackbody, then great! I think that is wonderful and wish you listening pleasure and happiness with as many as you can afford to purchase.

Everyone in this forum is free to make that determination for any of their components or "tweaks" - indeed, one could argue that is the main purpose of the Audiogon forum.

But I have not participated in this thread because I have listened to the Blackbody or really even care about whether or not this device really works, if it is a high priced placebo (my impression), or the worst of the worst in overpriced, snake oil quackery (a possibility).

No, I only continue to participate in this thread, because I care about the integrity of the Audiogon forum. Because in my opinion it is generally a great community of enthusiasts who are willing to help others interested in our hobby.

And because I care about this Audiogon community, I dont like to see threads which are obviously corrupt, where dealers or manufacturers make up posts, fail to disclose their commercial affiliations, stuff (or have their friends or affiliates stuff) the ballot box, or masquerade as friendly, helpful audiophiles with no commercial agenda when in fact they are really just shamelesly promoting their products.

Worse, when they do this sloppily in such a way as to arouse suspicion from multiple participants, because not only is it dishonest, but it is arrogant and offensive, and exacerbates what might already be a rip off.

PT Barnum said "there is a sucker born every minute" which means he might have been a successful manufacturer of cables or tweaks.

For the record, I have been buying and experimenting for cables and tweaks for about 30 years now, or since I was a freshman in high school, where I used the proceeds of mowing lawns and delivering newspapers to buy my first pair of Magneplanars, Hafler amps and a Kenwood KD 500, which was tweaked and modified with an SME III arm, a Grado signature cartridge, an Orsonics record clamp, anti resonant putty stuck to the underside of the platter, and one of the first sorbathane accessory mats. So I am not being stubbornly scientific in my objections here.

Again, I hope you are being sincere and if so, I wish you the best with multiple Blackbodys. For you or anyone who finds them useful, I bet they would be equally helpful with all of your televisions and home theatre equipment, your car stereo, and if used in the kitchen, would probably also improve the taste of your food and wine.

Whatever the case, I would like to thank everyone in this thread who takes time from their day(s) to be an honest, non professional audio enthusiast, who tries to help inform others, help beginners get started, and advance our hobby with no professional bias or affiliations.


"There seems to be a nearly inverse relationship between the extent to which a manufacturer has to turn intellectual tricks to explain a product and it's efficaciousness."

Substitute "clearly" for "nearly" and you are correct.

