Less than top line reel-to-reel worth it?

My inner audio geek (expensive bastard, him) has been aroused by the recent resurgence of top of the line reel-to-reel deck re-fabrication units like United Home Audio's decks, and new (almost) master tapes becoming available from the likes of The Tape Project. Problem is I can not buy a $10k deck and $500 tapes, and simultaneously enjoy the benefits of matrimony. Consequently, I have been looking at much more affordable refabricated decks ($1000 - $2000 range) and used stereo 4-track 3 3/4 and 7 1/2 ips tapes.

I believe the expensive stuff can deliver with 2-tracks per 1/4 inch tape and 15 IPS, but should I expect 'better' sound than I can get from my Wadia CD Player, and J. A. Michelle turntable from the more affordable 4-track (two in each direction) slower speed stuff; or would this just be a trip down nostalgia lane?
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Showing 1 response by rlwainwright

The Pioneer RT-909 is a very good, reasonably inexpensive deck. And they have those very cool blue meters.

The very best-sounding decks are the Tandberg TDA20-SEs with DynEQ. You can make *fabulous* tapes with these, virtually indistinguishable from the original source.

And, for me, feeding the tape thru the capstans and onto the takeup reel rivals the tactile ritual of the best turntables...
