Less than top line reel-to-reel worth it?

My inner audio geek (expensive bastard, him) has been aroused by the recent resurgence of top of the line reel-to-reel deck re-fabrication units like United Home Audio's decks, and new (almost) master tapes becoming available from the likes of The Tape Project. Problem is I can not buy a $10k deck and $500 tapes, and simultaneously enjoy the benefits of matrimony. Consequently, I have been looking at much more affordable refabricated decks ($1000 - $2000 range) and used stereo 4-track 3 3/4 and 7 1/2 ips tapes.

I believe the expensive stuff can deliver with 2-tracks per 1/4 inch tape and 15 IPS, but should I expect 'better' sound than I can get from my Wadia CD Player, and J. A. Michelle turntable from the more affordable 4-track (two in each direction) slower speed stuff; or would this just be a trip down nostalgia lane?
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