Less filling - great taste?

Any suggestions for speakers that are disgustingly small or smaller(less filling) but also sound and look good (great taste)? Some of the speakers I am thinking of are: Energy RC-Mini, NHT Absolute Zero, Totem Mite.

Does anyone have experience with any of these models?

Other suggestions in brands/models?

Thanks, TJ
I would add Devore Fidelity Gibbon 3 to your list. A tiny speaker that doesn't sound small.
Had my first listen to Totem Arros and must say I was mighty impressed for the size of the diminutive floor stander.

Maybe not the bookshelf you are looking for but a small speaker that has a lot going for it.
Hi TJ, Go to av123.com and check out the x-ls monitors.I believe $219 a pr new or 179 or so b-stock
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