Leon Russell

I've just been listening to "Carney". It's a favorite album of mine because of the sensitivity and genius of Leon Russell. Does anybody else feel the same about him?

Showing 3 responses by macrojack

Another exceptional and all but forgotten giant was David Bromberg. Can I get a witness?
In the summer of 2007, I saw Leon Russell at an incredible outdoor venue here in Colorado. He came tottering out from behind the stage to a piano on the ground in front of us. His long white hair was flowing and his costume was just like you remember, cowboy hat and all Someone helped him get situated at the keyboard and took his cane. We were thinking this might be a dud.
But holy shit - he raised his hands above the keys and when they came down, thirty-five years evaporated in a torrent of reminiscence and cold chills. This guy hadn't lost a thing. He had an incredible band and two female backup singers who were his daughters from his former wife Mary.

It was a beautiful, stimulating and enchanting evening. And it was free, sponsored anonymously by a local philanthropist. I saw Dave Mason, Beausileil, Nancy Griffith, Spiro Gyra, and others I can't remember right now at the same venue in past seasons. All this happens right here in the town where I live.
Have you fans heard "The Union"? It's a collaboration between Leon and Elton John.