Legacy Focus XD - will I ever upgrade?

When I finally decided one day that my college days were really over and it was time to get rid of the K-Horn knock offs and get serious, I got all new equipment and paired it all up with some nice B and W 702 S2 Speakers. Two years later I upgraded to my current Legacy Focus XD speakers. I absolutely love them, never tire of them and am satisfied with these being my last speakers..... BUT, just for fun, thought I would ask if anyone in the same position ever upgraded from the Focus to the Aeris and was it an incremental upgrade or an exponential upgrade (like from my B and W’s to the Focus XD)....... Just a theoretical question mind you. (the focus is the only Legacy speaker I have ever heard other than the Signature SE which led me to the Focus)


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I’m shopping for speakers and the Legacy line, especially the XD, has caught my eye.  If you ever think of selling let me know.