Led Zepplin Mothership vs. hi-res vs. newest

Time to get in on the LZ remasters but so many versions

Anybody compare these?

Mothership on vinyl
Hi-Res downloads from HD Tracks
newest reissues of LZ 1-3 in Deluxe and Super Deluxe versions


Showing 3 responses by geoffkait

I have Mothership on CD and I don't think the sound could possibly be better. I have the new 2014 version of Led Zeppelin II here for comparison but haven't gotten around to it quite yet.
I suspect the wide differences in opinion with respect to Mothership is a reflection of the wide differences in system performance. Just saying.
Well, I think it's worth considering that dynamic range is certainly not the only audiophile parameter of interest. Dynamic range is not the only game in town. There is also frequency response, bass performance, clarity and resolution, transparency, and so forth. In fact some of the most notable recordings in terms of wide dynamic range such as Brothers in Arms and Bop til you Drop and Peter Gabriel's Security are off the charts dynamic range wise but virtually unlistenable due to ye olde distortion and digital glare.