Led Zepplin Mothership vs. hi-res vs. newest

Time to get in on the LZ remasters but so many versions

Anybody compare these?

Mothership on vinyl
Hi-Res downloads from HD Tracks
newest reissues of LZ 1-3 in Deluxe and Super Deluxe versions


Showing 3 responses by ben_campbell

I can only talk about the CD versions but Mothership is pretty heavily compressed.

I think the new issues are the best digital available-in my system the downloads are a tad better than the CD.
I think it's how people react to compression.....I'll be the first to admit you can be seduced by volume and my take is that even a moderately expensive system if you are not atuned to compression it really probably only affects you subconsciously....or you might get irked when you can't find a happy listening level-it's too quiet then it's too loud.

I'd argue if your system isn't reasonably high end then compression might not bother you that much.

However if you have potent amp/speaker matching or a big system it can be unbearable-it really sticks out.

Mothership has a DR rating of about 6/7 and the new remasters 9/10 which mean more dynamic range and less compression.
Yes there may be other aspects on other discs but we are talking about Mothership specifically.

That disc is heavily compressed.