Lector CDP 7 Mk I, II or III ?

I plan to part with my second system Ayre gear to refinance a purchase for the main system and am considering to retain only the Yamamoto headphones with another good cdp. And so I came accross Lector, unknown on the local market and thus even more interesting.

Now, I did a search on Agon and found several people specifically advising the CDP 7 Mk I, clearly prefering it over the later versions.

Is the original Lector CDP 7 sonically better? Any specific reason for that?

Thanks in advance

Showing 1 response by hartwerger

My CD player exposure is somewhat limited, though I have heard some high end players like an Accustic Arts transport and DAC. In my own system, I've owned a Njoe Tjoeb (w/ upgrades and upsampler), the Musical Fidelity A5, and now the Lector 7T, I assume the MKI version. For my ear, taste, room and my current system, I think I'd half to spend a good deal of money to better the Lector. I can't speak to the later MKII or MKIII versions, but the Lector is everything I could ask for in a player. It has a wonderfully warm and engaging sound that just draws me into the music. It is quite tube sensitive, and the presentation can be dramatically altered by trying a variety of different 12AT7 tubes. I also liked the Musical Fidelity A5, but the seamless soundstage is closer to my experiences with vinyl than the more layered stage that was presented with the A5 and other players I've heard in my system. Hope this helps in some way.