Lector 7T MK3, is it really that great?

Hi fellow Audiogoners. I've only read the reviews on this player. What makes it so good in comparison to the Cambridge 840C? Any owners of the Lector 7T would be welcome. How is the build quality and realibility of this unit. Thank you.

Showing 1 response by mitch2

Aceboympk, you seem to have some knowledge regarding Lector. I have owned three CDP 7T's, two of the current MkIII's and a MkII. I also used to own a Zoe MkII. I have not had any problems with any of them, and still currently own and use the MkIII in my main system. IMO, the design of Lector gear is ahead of the curve compared to many of the better known offerings, especially at their price points. The Zoe hit well above its weight by offering a very dynamic and extended tubed preamp with a user friendly low output impedance (making it compatible with virtually any amp), and the CD players have advanced damping, top loading, separate power supply, and a very organic (non digital) sound. I would be interested in hearing some follow-up to your comment regarding service and also some more about the MkIV CDP and what they are planning to improve. I could find nothing about a MkIV on their website, although I did find they now call their USA operation "LECTOR AUDIO USA," and provide the same address as "USA TUBE AUDIO" who I believe is the current distributor, so they seem to be one and the same. It is my understanding service is offered from centers in CA and NY. Any additional information you have on the MkIV or on service would be appreciated.