Leben CS600 or ARC VSi60 with Harbeth Compact 7's

I'm looking for an tube integrated amp to drive a pair of Compact 7ES-3 speakers. These are both on my short list. Has anyone tried either of them with Harbeths - any thoughts at all?


Showing 2 responses by chashas1

To the OP,
Some good, and funny, responses, as usual.
Both are great.
To the lfd added posters, you could compare how the music is presented between the lfd and cs600 or vsi60....the sweet lil leben300, while musically great, can't compare power wise to the others, and IMHO is not a good match with c7's, unless you listen at very low volume. Very low.
Good luck!
But the 7 is a vastly different speaker to drive than the 5's.
With the 5's I've watched people divide between Leben or ARC.
With the 7's it's a different kettle of fish entirely.
All about context, and synergy.