Leben CS300 tube amplifer without load / speakers

I was doing some cable rolling on my system and removed the speakers cable from my Leben CS300 to plug the cables to another amplifier. Then I switched the Leben on for a while to warm it up....but forgot to plug the speaker cables again.... what an @#$^$% (repeated 1000x)

I left the Leben for approx. 60-90 min without the speaker cables plugged back. Positively there was no signal going to the Leben.

1.Should I expect any damages to the trafos or any other parts?
2.Any damage on the tubes?
3.Does the Leben has a protective circuit when no load is applied?
4. How can I check the internal damages?

FYI, it is soundwise ok, I didn't notice any impact on sound quality.

Please reassure-me (or make fun of me), I had too much sleepless nights already

Showing 1 response by rrog

You have severely stressed the output tubes by turning the amplifier on without a load.