Leaving my amplifier on ok?

Would it be ok to leave my amplifier on all the time if I want to extend the reliability of the amp? Many amplifiers ar Class A, high current bias and tubes might be a problem if energy consumption is a factor. Not to mention Excessive heat from bias operation. Is it possible to extend the life of the amp with leaving it on all the time?

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Showing 4 responses by pindac

Speak to your Home Insurance and Amp's Manufacturer.

I'm sure the Insurance will happily payout for electrical fires when a Fridge or another White Goods or the like has a malfunction that results in a fire, and there is plenty to suggest it has been cared for as the Manufacturer Suggests. 

Taking advice of a forum on such matters of such unimportance can easily leave one without a home and no Insurance Payout to boot. 

It is the individual holding the insurance policy, who has a responsibility to act in accordance with how the Insurance Company deems good practices are being followed. Unpaid claims are regularly found in conjunction with abnormal practices. 

Leaving Laptops 'Permanently' Charging and then unattended, is known as a cause of fires in premises', the Insurance Companies are known not to pay out when this is a cause of a fire. 

Today leaving a Laptop Permanent Charge, might not be considered abnormal to the regular user. Leaving it unattended whilst charging for a excessive period is probably normal for many.

Looks like what I stated, and the few responses are in this limited space a case of s 'pearls before swine'.

As stated, the MANUFACTURERS Recommendations are the only ones worth seriously considering, and are the ones that will be investigated by a authority, especially a Insurance Company at the time of a Claim, if the device is the cause of the claim.

What is thrown around on a forum is BS to these types, they will not be looking for any advice in such a place. 

Hence, "Speak to your Home Insurance and Amp's Manufacturer."

In the Link is the comments made on a Respected Amplifier Manufacturers Web Site.


Off course in relation to this Brands advisory, such guidance can be overlooked by the owner of a product, and the guidance discovered within a forum can be the one chosen.  


My 'go to' Audio EE, who has designed and built a selection of my systems devices, and carried out circuit corrective works on another owned device.

Made it known to me in the very earliest days of out relationship, to always have eyes on the devices in use, to Power Off after use and revisit shortly after Power Off for peace of mind.

This is a discipline maintained to date, which was first strongly suggested over 25 Years ago.

This advice even though extremely valuable, is seemingly the anti-thesis of the description being given of how another EE is endorsing certain paractices.

On the matter of early component failure being realised through heat fluctuations is surely a case of stepping over $'s to pick up Cents.

I lost my home due to an electrical fire occurring, as a result of being foolish and try to prolong the life of a devices components that might only cost a few cents to replace once spent.

All Cap's, Resistors, Switches are going one way, and that is spent as a usage life. Ask a EE.