Leave an amp "on" permanetly

I understand that tube amps need to warm up sufficently before they can reach their potential. Is this also true with SS amps? I own a McCormack DNA-1 deluxe, and I hear a discernable difference when listening to my system "cold" versus "warmed-up". Do you also find this to be true?

If so, would people recommend leaving a SS amp on permanently? Could I damage my amp by doing this?

Showing 1 response by david12

I leave mine on all time and have for years, and I dont care about the Green movement. All the Liberal tree huggers do is just buy Carbon Credits that dont mean anything, its like going to confession....you can do whatever you want as long as somebody clears you of your "sins".

The green movement is supported by an awful lot of hard science now. To me the only question is what degree global warmimg is down to "us" and what degree it is normal variation of climatic conditions and I think there are good arguments that we are in a natural warm phase. To see carbon credits are hypocrisy, I agree by the way, so I am going to ignore the whole subject of global warming, is not very logical.
In any event I have never been convinced of the evils of warm up in amps. I use a Karan K180 and Viva solista SET and neither really suffers in warm up to my ears. The Viva would need its own dedicated power station to leave on all the time. Stanby is pretty pointless as power consumption is a high percentage of fulll power usage in most cases.
So turn it off and do your tiny bit to save the planet