Least compressed

Looking for recomendations for least compressed (wide dynamic range) rock - in particular Zeppelin. Only recomendations of cds that are readily available (i.e. via amazon) - not worth time and effort to me to look for hard to find gems. Aerosmith - etc also welcome. Please identify as precisely as possible.

Showing 2 responses by bongofury

I agree with Midnight Oil's Earth Sun and Moon. I use that as my reference disc, especially Song 7, which has some of the best slam ever. I also like Neil Young's "Eldorado" and "Complex Sessions" (two "to the trade" CDs that can be found on eBay), Booker T's Potato Hole (amazing production), Willie Nelson's Teatro, Santana's first album (in original vinyl--can turn that one to "10"), Paul Kelly's May 1992 and his recent downloadable "A - Z",

I have seen the quality of their vinyl vary sharply. Hard to hear master quality sound on the middle period stuff like Houses of the Holy. I think the DVD was a major milestone in sound, and I am awaiting the remixed albums on vinyl. Like AC/DC and the Beatles, Led Zep controls their vault and the tapes are said to be kept in good working order under the direction of Jimmy Page, so we could see something equal to the Beatles Remasters. As for now, they are not great shakes in recording quality. I especially dislike the reissues, with the exception on the II album which had better sense of range than the original albums I have heard.