Learning remote

Does anyone know of an inexpensive learning remote that accepts Rowland codes?
Logitech claims to have code to program Jeff Rowland electronics but - after four hours of trying myself and working with Logitech support- was unable to program their remote to control my 25 year old Consummate pre amp, either through a USB connection to a PC or by teaching the Logitech remote from my Rowland remote.
You might be able to program Logitech remotes for later versions of JR pre electronics (with small remotes). 
....great support from Logitech

The idea of a learning remote is to learn the info from the factory remote.A learning remote should have reprogrammed
codes like a standard universal remote. There are no for sure
guarantees that it will store everything from the factory one,but they usually do a good job.They are convenient when the typical universals don't have pre-programmed codes stored in them.[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_remote#Upgradable_and_learning_remotes]
Logitech has one for $50.00-model #300 that is capable of learning most any codes. I just got the next model up #650 for $99.00 and it learned my Wyred 4 Sound integrated amp codes and works perfectly. While it did take me hours to customize it just the way I want, I am happy with the result. Both were in stock at Best Buy where I get all my high end gear. Except my Arcam, Wyred, Ushers, and JL Audio.