LeAmp from Norh?

Anyone heard or have purchased a pair of these monoblocks? I've never seen anything as inexpensive that has such an impressive power supply.

Showing 2 responses by sedond

sean, you're correct, but brian cheney (owner of vmps) also said that you would have to spend >$3k to get an amp that could top the norh le amp.

doug s.
hi sean,

it wasn't really brian that was riding 'em hard, tho he *was* saying that mr. curl's measurements were ok, as far as he knew. it was mr. curl & some inmates that seem not to like the idea of a mfr publishing false specs, that seemed to be the ones *really* upset. never conclusively got resolved, tho, as mr barnes & his engineers still insisted their specified power is correct. seems like they & mr curl need to get together w/their measuring equipment so they're all on the same page. really confusing to me, that's for sure! ;~)

ever hear the home-brew aksa amps? seems they'd cost the same as the norh's - i'm looking for a cheap way to justify selling my original adcom gfa555's, used as subwoofer amps...

doug s.

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