My Atlantis Reference Rack has provisions for filling with sand/shot. But the weight of my stuff on that rack already exceeds 250lbs, so I thought the benefits would be very minimal if any at all! Would I receive any benefits by the extra 20 - 50 or so pounds that silca or shot would add? One concern is the "pendulumn effect" of a very heavy (65lbs) SCD-1 player on th top shelf (necessary, because it's top loading). Does this pendulumn effect have any negative effects, or should I be more concerned with resonance from the components itself (seems most logical)?
It seems that effective resonance control is a yet undiscovered mix of science, trial and error, black magic, and voodoo!
It seems that effective resonance control is a yet undiscovered mix of science, trial and error, black magic, and voodoo!