Lead shots for speaker stand.

Where can I buy this? No one seems to know what it is in any hardware stores
My Atlantis Reference Rack has provisions for filling with sand/shot. But the weight of my stuff on that rack already exceeds 250lbs, so I thought the benefits would be very minimal if any at all! Would I receive any benefits by the extra 20 - 50 or so pounds that silca or shot would add? One concern is the "pendulumn effect" of a very heavy (65lbs) SCD-1 player on th top shelf (necessary, because it's top loading). Does this pendulumn effect have any negative effects, or should I be more concerned with resonance from the components itself (seems most logical)?

It seems that effective resonance control is a yet undiscovered mix of science, trial and error, black magic, and voodoo!
BB's (for the guns) used to be made out of copper (35-40 years ago, anyway).
Thanks to all. I think I'll go for the silica sand instead. I forgot to consider the environmental impact of lead.
I do business with an industrial supplier that carries lead shot in 9 sizes. Size #9 (.080") through .440". McMaster Carr Supply, New Brunswick NJ, 732-329-3200. Pricing is about $50 per 25 lb bag.
Almost forgot ... same supplier also has oxygen free copper balls, brass balls, aluminum bronze balls and various plastic / nylon balls. If you wanted to explore the world of foundry metals suppliers you could probably come up with many more options. Anyone who broke out in a sweat reading this is a tweaker in need of therapy & drugs.