LCR phono stages we know about

Lately, I have become enthralled with LCR phono stages, based on some personal listening experiences and on the fact that many designers I respect are involved in LCR phono design. However, I don't really feel that I have a complete picture re what's out there in terms of commercial products. If you own or have heard an LCR phono stage and have an opinion, please name the product and feel free to render an opinion of it, compared to other phono stages of any type with which you are familiar. Thanks.

Showing 3 responses by jazdoc

Lewm --

Sorry I missed your post from last week. The 'Kahn' in Kahn phono stage refers to the metalworker who implemented the design of the box -- very steampunk!

As to the performance...spectacular. I have experimented with tube rolling and am very pleased with where things ended up. These pieces (phono and line stages) are very special, bespoke pieces. And yes, Dave Slagle's handiwork is integral to the implementation. The EMIA product offers a large measure of the Kahn for much less money.

Best part: both Jeffrey and Dave are first class music geeks who are extremely fun to work with.
Lewm --

I certainly do not have the technical background to comment intelligently on your question...all I know is it sounds good! :-)