LCD HD TV Picture Quality Lacking

My Dad recently purchased a Sony Bravia LCD and my father-in -law just bought a Magnavox LCD. These are the 1st HD tv's I've had a chance to spend time viewing. Compared to standard televisions I find the color on both TV's to be unnatural (even after adjustments) and the pictures often lack clarity, and definition. They are fuzzy (cloudy looking). My Dad's Sony is connected to a digital HD cable box from the cable company. My father-in laws' LCD is still connected to a standard digital cable box. In the stores when I've seen true High Definition demos, like the NFL it is awesome. Are there any LCD televisions out there with natural looking color? (especially skin tones) Is this cloudy affect, lack of clarity and definition present on all these HD TV's or are there exceptions? Are there HD TV's that are clear in Non HD broadcasts? I do realize the source of the signal matters greatly, but why would my old JVC look clearer, more focused, and have more natural colors than these LCD tv's? Frankly before I shell out the cash, I want to see better performance than I saw from their TVs? Is this a question of something I heard about called "calibration."
Adjustments have been made to my Dad's TV by me and it still looks subpar unless it's an HD broadcast and some of those look unnatural too. Thanks for your thoughts.

Showing 1 response by holden_tex

which Sony Bravia is it? There are a bunch of different levels. I have an S series in the bedroom and it is only 720p, and looks OK. The W series 1080p one that I just got for the living room (120hrz refresh rate) looks amazing. If you get a simpple Digital Video Basics disc to tweak the color, it makes a huge difference. If you get one of the computer tuning testers, such as the Eye One, for about a hundred bucks you can lock them into great color, pretty much any of the new monitors.

I'm a big believer in quality cables, except for video. I may be wrong, but almost any halfway decent HDMI cable that is 1.2 or above (for the audio and future upgrade capabilities) should be fine. Some of the engineers I work with made a point of testing different cables, and found the info in all of the HDMI cables they tested to be basically exact. Not so with the performance of analog cables, but that's a differnt discussion.

Good luck.