Lawrence Audio speakers?

Anyone else using Lawrence Audio speakers? I have the Mandolin and also the Violin SE. I really enjoy them both. I don't know if the brand is even still around any more, just wondering if there are any other users on this forum.


Hey 996turbo911,

Wonderful speakers. Wrote three professional reviews on them and bought a pair of Cellos for my personal use. Lawrence the man and company are still going strong around the world, but not in the American market for what ever reason.

@teajay Nice, I always wanted to try the Cello and the Double Bass. I bet they are amazing. Just found their website, maybe should have checked prior to posting this. It looks like they have a few newer models that look beautiful too.

They look interesting to me. It's nice when a speaker looks as good as it sounds. There was a pair of violins for sale locally. Maybe I'll look them up.

Always interested in the Double Bass. Looks amazing! And I would assume sounds amazing.