Latest SACD News - Very Interesting.

Rumor is one of the main record companies had decided to stop CD production and switch to SACD/CD hybrids for all new titles. As Sony cannot as yet produce hybrids, it is assumed that the label in question has to be Universal (Philips).

The news, announced at a Sony-Philips press conference, was that one million consumer SACD players have been sold so far. The prognosis for SACD is total worldwide sales of 6 million players (in whatever form) in 2003 and 13 million in 2004.

Sounds like great news, but there are still no SACD titles I want to buy; and I refuse to pay more for a hybrid CD I can't use.

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Showing 1 response by flex

Stereophile seems to have fanned a few industry rumours into a small flame.
Why would a major record company move to hi rez primarily to get around the copy protection problems in cd? Apart from the fact that anything can be copied in analog via an a/d and posted to the internet as a pcm digital copy, there is the question of challenging the hacker world to defeat SACD and DVD-A copy protection. At the moment SACD and DVD-A are obscure audiophile formats and probably not worthy of serious hacking, but if they become the industry's answer to avoiding copying, I'd expect an all-out assault on their protection schemes.