LAST???? Has anybody tried this?

I am curious to know if anyone has tied this product on vinyl, what were the results, how does it better the sound, why would I use it?
So far I'm happy using my VPI record cleaner. Any thoughts?
thx, jim

Showing 2 responses by hififile

LAST has been out for many years and works quite well. I've used it many times. One thing I don't like about LAST is that once applied it won't come off, and it permanently changes & affects the vinyl. So if you don't like the sound you are stuck. It's also not real easy to apply. None the less good stuff.

I have been using GruvGlide and like that better.It does not affect or change the vinyl, record sound is definitely improved, very economical and easy to use. They are in the Audiogon manufacture directory under "G" or (also stereophile recommended for years).

Hope this helps, and happy listening!
Dear Chazzbo,

Very good question. The GruvGlide product mentioned above goes on dry. It has no effect on cements used to bond the stylus to the cantilever, nor does it "creep" into the stylus tube. Like several others above, I agree it's a very fine product, easy to use, and you can hear an improvement, although it does vary, record to record. Hope this helps.

Best Regards,