LAST???? Has anybody tried this?

I am curious to know if anyone has tied this product on vinyl, what were the results, how does it better the sound, why would I use it?
So far I'm happy using my VPI record cleaner. Any thoughts?
thx, jim

Showing 4 responses by albertporter

What is funny about the last few comments ( including my own ) is the fact that this topic is related to the discussion of Last Record Preservative.

This product is highly volatile. After applying a small amount to the applicator brush, you must act very quickly to apply it to the spinning LP. Even then, it evaporates within one revolution of the disc.

The stylus has no way to come into contact with the Last in a liquid state.

If the poster who brought up the liquid subject was referring (off topic) to Last Stylus preservative, then It makes more sense. Still, I have not had any problems with siphoning effect in all my years of LP playing, and I applied some products many years ago that I shudder to think about now.

I prefer Record Research stylus cleaner LP #9. This and the Record Research LP cleaners are the only products I use other than the Last Record Preservative.
I've used LAST on at least 6,000 LP's, spanning a period of more than 16 years.

I echo all the other positive comments and must say that I am delighted that even my most frequently played records have maintained almost 100% of their original sound quality.
Hififile, I have a suggestion that you might try.

After applying the Last solution, REWASH and RE RINSE the LP as if it had never been washed. This is best with a VPI machine in my experience.

The positive aspect of LAST remains, but the rewash pretty much returns the LP to the original sound (before applying LAST).

Gruvglide changes the sound as well, but rewashing after application removes the Gruvglide and the benefit it provides.

To my ears, Gruvglide somewhat compresses dynamics while rolling off the extreme high frequencies. It appears the cartridge brand affects the differences between these two products and the outcome of the test.

Those using Benz, Koetsu or Transfiguration (to name a few) usually prefer the Last treatment. Those with Clear Audio Insider or Van den Hul often prefer the Gruvglide treatment.

I'm guessing here, but this must be somehow related to stylus design, suspension and a combination of tracking and set up procedures for that arm / cartridge combination.