Large volume adjustments on Jolida amp

I recently purchased a Jolida 1501 RC integrated and like just about everything on it, except--I can never get the "right" volume setting. It always is too loud or too soft--the increments adjusted by the remote seem to be just too large. The Jolida remote has smaller increments than my universal remote, but I still have to jump up from my chair to make adjustments.

Is this a matter of too much gain? Would a Rothwell in-line attenuator help with this? Right now my source is a Denon DCM370 CD player connected to the amp with Siltech Paris IC's. I am about to add a DAC, which I suspect might strengthen the signal into the amp even more.

Don't know if there's a fix (other than sitting farther away from my speakers).
One way to handle this would be to replace the tubes with 5751s. Many people think they are a better sounding tube than the 12ax7, and they have 30% lower gain so your volume would be lowered in general. This would give your volume knob a greater listenable range.
Contact Jolida and see if you can adjust the gain of the system somehow. While you can pad the input by using in-line attenuators, lowering the gain of the system would be a better choice ( if possible ). Sean