Large PA schematic for awkward space

I am looking at fitting a PA into a venue, this is a virtual project and i was looking at using an L'Acoustics Kiva/Kudu hybrid but now i'm not so sure.
The dimensions of the hall are..
65ft/20m stage to back...32.8ft/10m of this is tiered seating
157.4ft/48m width at widest
33.8ft/10.3m height, floor to grid
The problem for sound being that this place is dome shaped and circular!!!
The Grid can fly 10 tonnes in 1 tonne points from the grid and 5x1 tonne (4by6inch) above the stage.
I think line array...any ideas?
Horns, like every other venue of such size. Like the tiddy hippie said, you need to seek professional help to do it right.
I would suggest that you seek out the services of an "acoustic engineer" who is experienced in the installion of sound reinforcement systems into various venues. Another idea is to see if there is some PA companies in your area and ask how they would handle setting up a sound reinforcement system in such an enviroment. Btw, just curious, is this system going to be fixed in place system or is it more just for a particular event type of system?