Large listening room

Not sure where else to post this. I am new and am creating a 2ch system to go in a largish (18x16) room.
Right now, I am using an ayre cdp, a mcintosh ma6900 integrated and B&W 805s's with a sub.
I am starting to feel like the 805s's are too small.
Has anyone had success in a larger room?
If so, please share your experiences.
Thanks in advance!

Showing 2 responses by shadorne


Do you really just want loads of impresive bass? Think carefully what you want in a speaker over the long term (some midrange perhaps?). Your concern about lack of bass from the 805's may be driving you to over compensate by seeking the most bass you can find. Just two cents but think carefully - there is more to music than just a kick drum - what about the rest?

I am not trying to tell youu what to do - just to keep youu clear of the minefield. The danger with demos is that "impressive" wins over "right" - all too often!