Lampizator question

Why so much Lampizator gears for sale those years ???
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Showing 1 response by mrmb

Different models (levels) different price points. What's not to understand? Why attribute a noun such as greed to the process.

I know it may be difficult to believe, but one of the primary reasons entrepreneurs start a business is to make money. If you don’t want to pay their prices or don’t prefer their products over others, then don’t buy them! I just don’t understand the need to rant about a company’s prices, business model, or really about anything but their support before, during and after the sale.

A recent Audiogon post about Synergistic Research and their cables had essentially the same tone as this one. A bashing of S/R’s business model; again, not about the quality of their products, nor their support before, during, or after the sale. Why bother? I really don’t know. Your guess is as good as mine.

So speaking of guessing I'll make a few. Perhaps the basher: can’t afford the company's products; they prefer another product and don’t want to feel that the one they own, isn't, by comparison, as good; they're a competitor (either a manufacturer or distributor/retailer) and bashing another company’s products makes their's look better by comparison; they can’t stand to see someone have something that they don’t - i.e. a product, or in the case of a business, success; they're trying to save everyone from themselves by telling the world about the big bad wolf — that if someone buys, they’re being “had”; they really want one of the products but can’t, or don’t want to pay the asking price, so in their own mind, they must find some way to bash the product by making it seem inferior....not because it is, but because of all the relevant and irrelevant things, they don't like their business model…ad infinitum.

What’s to be learned from a thread such as this? I don’t really know, but my guess is that there is some hidden agenda, or a neurotic need to vent about life and picking on something like an intangible company or product, is far easier than undergoing some hard soul searching, counseling etc…

Lastly, my motivation for replying is that I'm a Lampi owner. And no, I don't need to be saved from myself and Lukasz' business practices. As an extremely satisfied, happy owner, Lampizator's business practices are ALL first rate, just as is the DAC that I recently bought!

In the future if I choose to opt for an upgrade, the decision will obviously be mine. Before the sale I didn't need to be protected from that possibility, nor obviously after the sale, do I need to be protected. If I needed to be warned, no amount of protecting would be sufficient; because I would sooner or later take a dump in my mess kit, with or without reading forum posts about why I shouldn't!!