Lampizator question

Why so much Lampizator gears for sale those years ???
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xroccl007

Showing 4 responses by knghifi

Why so much Lampizator gears for sale those years ???
How about they found something superior ???
Such as?
You have to ask the owners selling their Lamps. I don't own one and have no plans to buy one anytime soon.

For the price, it will be hard to.

I know one Trinty owner who also got a Lampi afterwards, for example. (The TOP Lampi)

I also know another who owns a Big7, Hugo, MSB stack and Direct stream...and guess what? He is getting another Big7 (the HeadDac) this week!
Sure but there are NO cases where owners replaced a Lamp with another DAC?

I heard Lamp many times and at one time, had one in my system for several weeks. Very good SQ but didn't pull the trigger.

So please tell me what these better Dacs I have heard many Dacs myself and am puzzled by your response.
Didn't know Lamp has a 100% owner loyalty. Did you get info from Edward Snowden?
03-20-15: Fsmithjack
Wanted to reply to this above statement made by Mrmb but couldn't. I mean no disrespect just too hard to follow and it made my brain ache...
Google Economics 101, supply, demand and price.
Ploand ALWAYS hated the USSR and that is why Lech Walensa could lead the Solidarity free trade union to wrest Poland from Soviet domination. Poland STILl does not get along with Russia. They suffered at the hands of the Nazis and later the Soviets and so want no part of either.
Before the next US presidential election, Soviet will probably absorb Poland. Maybe Czech ... all the old eastern bloc nations. Iran gets mid eastern nations. Chance in a LIFETIME!!!