Try the Psvane 101D WE replicas if you want better detail resolution while still keeping the musicality. That's where I went with my Big 7, and I never found a 300B in it that I liked. Just my experience. The tubes do make very important differences.
Lampizator Big7 as a preamp
I am now using Berkeley Alpha DAC directly to my active B&M speakers
I have opportunity to buy Lampizator Big7
I heard that it can be better as a DAC than a Berkeley , but how about use Lampizator ( with volume control ) as a preamp.Berkeley have very good built-in preamp, how about Lampi ?
I have opportunity to buy Lampizator Big7
I heard that it can be better as a DAC than a Berkeley , but how about use Lampizator ( with volume control ) as a preamp.Berkeley have very good built-in preamp, how about Lampi ?
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