Lampizator Amber - moving up the range?

Hey all,

I have a Lampizator Amber plus. I've managed to get massive improvements to it by putting rare NOS valves in. Really liking this piece of kit. I feed it with an Auralic Aries streaming Tidal. 

What are the higher range Lampizators like? Would I see a small or large improvement from upgrading?

Thanks, Tim

Showing 6 responses by roberjerman

Sure, I'd be tempted to buy that Lampizator Golden Gate that I saw here on Agon - but the saner half of my brain said NO!
I am familiar with the Lampizator DAC's . They sure are sexy looking - and drool-worthy! But worth those high-prices? That I doubt! Like I said, be content with what you have now and stop this neurotic worrying! 
Adding tubes to the output stage of a DAC is contrary to ACCURATE sound quality! It is stupid to seek a euphoric coloration this way - rather than accepting the linearity of a well-designed SS DAC! 
Be content with your present DAC and don't be fooled by the hype from some of these online sites ( is particularly egregious with hyping high-priced gear!).
Tubes are most linear on initial turn-on. They only degrade over time. Unlike, say, whiskey, tubes DO NOT improve with use! To believe otherwise is to be delusional. And I own a considerable collection of tube gear!
I like tubes - and own quite a collection (including three Futterman OTL's). I just honestly recognize their inherent limitations!