Lampizator Amber - moving up the range?

Hey all,

I have a Lampizator Amber plus. I've managed to get massive improvements to it by putting rare NOS valves in. Really liking this piece of kit. I feed it with an Auralic Aries streaming Tidal. 

What are the higher range Lampizators like? Would I see a small or large improvement from upgrading?

Thanks, Tim

Showing 1 response by jbrrp1

I, too, have found that you get better musical realization as you move up the Lampi range.  For me it has been Big 7 >> GoldenGate >> Pacific, so I cannot comment relative to your Amber DAC.  I liked all three DAC's I have owned - - it just gets down to budget and willingness to suffer the diminishing returns of the financial proposition.  But there is more to be had.....