Lamm pre amp

Any pre amps that have remote control and use high quality attenuators that has same tonal richness as the Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe?

I can come up with one like cj ET7se S2. Any other recommendations?

Showing 23 responses by kw6

Baranyi I was using nos 12bh7 and Shuguang Black glass 6SN7. Great bass fast but not sound I am after with my Pass. I did pair with a Prima Luna tube amp with different speakers and sound was better but in my current set up not happy. Actually I was distraught!😀

System matching I guess.
Thanks tooblue! I am also looking at my end game preamp. I value tonal richness as most prepamps i have tried is not giving me the sound. I currently own cj ET3SE and getting that more than my previous LTA MZ2. I am thinking of either the Bottlehead 300b tube pre, K&K Mir Allnic L1500,  Prima Luna Evo 300 or the current Don Sachs 6SN7 preamp. You can tell i want to spend less to get great sound haha.  But if I have to pay 6 to 8k for the best sound might be able to do it.
Thanks for all the input! Im not sure if I should bite the bullet and go for the Lamm. Its unanimous that everyone says this is a tonally rich sounding pre. Haha

When I look inside the Lamm preamp I can't figure how they get that tonal richness with those parts. Probably the design I guess.
Nevillekapadia googled Concert Fidelity was reviewed by Absolute Sound. Looks beautiful but $24k 😢
Stibi you are right as my previous preamp was the standard LTA MZ2 no remote and it drove me crazy had to get up to adjust it a tiny bit. I tried the Tidal volume slide but doesn't sound the same as fixed volume and using my preamp to adjust volume. Actually my cj preamp is not bad. Just looking for something more organic the next level. I prefer something with tube rectification. I will Google Aries again but sure out of my range. Thanks!
Fuzztone in my system I need some tubes not looking for ultimate transparency. The Tortuga volume control probably very good!
Yeah I read they have a sweet organic tone. I was looking into the Aurieges. But the pre had output impedance of 5k ohms barely compatible with my amp.😟
Yes I am interested to know the difference too Roxy54. When you had the original one how would discribe it if it wasn't tonally rich not bloomy and small soundstage. I think .1 has the15 db reduce gain and remote on off for Lamm amps. And small circuit changes.
Rcprince I was looking at the Vac too Renaissance MK V the one with small power supply! Not sure if it has tube rectification which I prefer.
@roxy54  thanks for your input. I might need a bit more sugar in my diet!😁