Lamm or Allnic Preamp

Charney Maestro speakers with Voxativ AC-2.6 drivers, Air Tight 300B amp, presently using passive preamp for volume control.

Looking to add active preamp. Considered Air Tight, Shindo, VAC, VTL, Zesto, Rogue, Thoress. But, have really narrowed down to Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe or Allnic L-6500.

Thoughts and advice?


Showing 1 response by rooze

I owned an Allnic L-5000 DHT a few years ago and it was excellent. Transparent, detailed, cohesive and extended on both ends. I replaced it with an Emotive Audio Epifania, which took detail and transparency up a notch or two, but sacrificed a remote control, which I need.

Anyway, I've owned a few Allnic products and have found them to be good value for money and reliable.