Lamm ML2 Vs Tenor 75

I have listened to both amps in different environments and have enjoyed both immensely but have never had the opportunity to A/B them. Are the performance differences between them so small that comparisons are pointless or are there real distinctions worth noting?
The differences are real and significant depending on your speakers. The late Lars Fredell wrote a very positive review of the Tenor in Ultimate Audio. He had previously driven his Verity Parsifals with the ML2s and had been a Lamm disciple for many years. He felt that the Tenors were much more dynamic on his Parsifals then the Lamms haad been.

Lars is the only one I know who had actually been able to hear both amps in a controlled environment. They have each sounded supurb in the CES rooms that I have heard them in.
The amplifiers are quite different, and although each is excellent, the performance will depend largely upon what speakers they are driving. The Tenors are OTLs putting out 75 w/ch into 8 ohms, while the Lamms are single ended transformer coupled, putting out 18 watts into 8 ohms.
I recall reading you are using kharma 3.2's if that is the case and you can afford the Tenor's its a no brainer to me! The Tenor/kharma synergy is something very special- I don't think I have ever heard better sound than that combonation. The 75's also have enough power to drive the 3.2's with aplomb, I don't see any done falls aside from the $$$. The lamm is a great product just not on the level of the Tenor's- but that's not surprising because nothing is.