Lamm LP2 and WE417A tubes

I recently purchased one of these and it really is a world class phono stage. Over the years I've had both Pass ONO units, the CJ pr15, an earlier version Aesthetix IO, and lots of lesser units. It is by far the best sounding with the possible exception of the IO.

I was suprised to find Raytheon 5842's in after reading the claim on their website:

Its unique circuitry utilizes specially selected very low noise high trans-conductance Western Electric 417A / 5842 vacuum tubes.

When I asked them about this they said that the dash between 417A and 5842 means "or." They told me that the WE tubes are too expensive and hard to get so they use the Raytheon. In my opinion this is being deceptive since WE also stamped their tubes with 5842 and Lamm invokes the WE name with no intention of ever using the tubes.

So now I sit here and wonder if I'm missing something by not getting some real WE 417A's to try, but I don't want to spend that kind of money if it doesn't change things for the better.

Has anyone tried real Western Electric tubes in it?

Showing 14 responses by herman

I have never gotten even a whiff of "marketing-ese" from them.

You are correct, continuing to use the name Western Electric in their description of the piece when they have no intention of using them is not a whiff, it is a stench.

I read the article and could not disagree more. Despite the misleading statements about the WE tubes, this unit never fails to bring out the best in my system. I think it sounds wonderful.
There was nothing to support his position that it was not accurate other than his perceptions. I think it is very accurate. Who is correct?

He did not like the sound of it and went into great detail to make his point, but at the end of the day it was just an opinion. Why should I give any more weight to the guy you referenced than Olsher? I don't. Olsher loved it and so do I. The guy you referenced didn't. So what?

I think I'll stick with my opinion and continue to enjoy what I consider to be a very nice phono stage.
I apologize for my my poor use of the English language. What I meant to convey was that I did not choose either of the reviewers sides, but that I would stick with my own assessment, it is a fine stage.

To call me an audio zombie is an insult that I choose not to ignore. I have been active in this hobby for many years and have listened at length to many of the world's best phono stages. I do not blindly follow the advice of reviewers. My assessment is based on many years of direct observation, your's appears to be based on the observation of a single reviewer. You offer nothing other than a link to a review by an unknown who you choose for some reason to invest total trust.

I will say this once more and move on, your reviewer offered nothing more than his subjective opinion. I find it curious that you choose to follow one reviewer's opinion as gospel and dismiss another with absolutley no objective data.
Well Romy, I agree we have nothing more to say about the LP2. Thanks (I guess) for coming clean and admitting that from the beginning you intended to deceive us. Now that we know you cannot be trusted to be forthcoming we can factor that into our analysis of your opinions.
You deceived us by pretending to be someone else, directing our attention to an article and not revealing that you had written it. This deception would lead us to be believe that the opinions stated were not only yours but were also held by others, thereby giving them credibility. This is no different than when a dealer posts a positive review of their own products without identifying themselves as a dealer.

I thought we were done discussing the LP2? Glad to see you took yet another opportunity to bash a piece of equipment that other than your analysis has received glowing praise. Everyone that sits down for a listen in my system raves about how lifelike the vocals are, singer present in the room, etc., etc.

Your observation below is so far removed from my experience and that of everyone who has listened to my system that I wholeheartedly agree that we have nothing further to discuss concerning this phono stage.

You wrote
Also, the LP2 do has a lot of problems with human voice and particularly with upper region. LP2 converts everything above ~4000-5000Hz into a nonspecific, glycerin dipped (thanks for 417A)… tenorsish vaseline… In your world it called “urgency of human voice”. In my world it means “the urgency to writhe anything is a review”

As for the rest of your rant in the last post, I'm sorry, but the sentence construction is so poor that I'm not really sure what you are trying to say.

I think I'll go listen to a record. I really am enjoying this ride!
So far you have called me an audio zombie, described me as ignorant, dismissed my powers of observation as being inadequate, questioned my intellectual capabilities, characterized me as swimming in shallow audiophile waters, observed that trying to educate me would be a waste of your time, and observed that I would not be able to handle the truth if you decided to share it. This brings nothing to the debate other than the same insulting and condescending attitude you took in the article you wrote about Olsher’s review. Yes, you have every right to disagree and to publish your opinions, but even if you are correct in all of your observations it does not give you the right to attack another’s work in such a smug and demeaning manner.
So now you have switched from being a condescending jerk to being a patronizing jerk? You did indeed directly use the insults I cited. " Defiantly the ignorance is blessing" was not calling me ignorant? "That was a titanic intellectual battle on your part:" was not questioning my intellect? Need I go on? Do you really think I am so stupid that I don’t realize you are insulting me? Your tact throughout this thread has been to attack and deride. The article you wrote about Olsher's review was unquestionably abusive and you evidently took great pleasure in mocking him. No matter how right you think you are it does not give you license to be less than civil.

Do you treat people with such utter disdain when you deal with them face to face or just when hiding behind the wall of the internet? Are you so insecure that you can only feel good about yourself when you belittle others?

Although you would not know it by reading your posts, it really is possible to take an opposing view without ridiculing the other person. You are evidently an intelligent individual, but it is impossible to take anything you say seriously when the only way you are able to make a point is to scoff at the person you disagree with.
Wel Jafox, if the LP2 is audiophile crap and your IO is worse you must be feeling pretty silly about spending all of that money :>)

I once had an IO but that was a while ago and it was a single power supply older unit in a completely different system so I won't attempt to compare the IO to the LP2. I was very happy with the IO and it is one of the few pieces I regret selling. The IO is much more flexible in terms of loading and the Lamm does have limited gain so if you need the extra gain (I don't) then the Lamm is not for you.

I too am curious what the reference phono stage could be.
JaFox, now that I think about it, the tube thing was the reason I got rid of it. It was getting the point of needing tubes and a factory set was $500 for a single PS unit. Getting into tube rolling was beyond my means at the time and even a stock set was a stretch so I decided to move on. I got a Pass AlephOno which wasn't up to the task of competing with the IO but was a fine unit at the price.

If the Lamm is crap and the IO is worse then I hate to think what the Pass was. Probably ruined my hearing.
Thanks for the offer Ethannn, that is a very kind and civilized thing to do. I will contact you via email.
Sorry for the confusion, I meant $500 for a full set of tubes, power supply and phonocorrector.
Come on Logenn, after more than 5 years of not using WE tubes his web page still says "Its unique circuitry utilizes specially selected very low noise high trans-conductance Western Electric 417A / 5842 vacuum tubes."

Any reasonable person would expect to find WE tubes based on that statement. No matter what his original intention was after 5 years he should have corrected this. By leaving it that way it is clear he wants you to think you are getting WE.


copied and pasted from their web site listed below

Its unique circuitry utilizes specially selected very low noise high trans-conductance Western Electric 417A / 5842 vacuum tubes.
