LAMM LL2 vs. Hovland preamp

Hey! Can anyone comment on these two choices of preamps? I'm looking at either a LAMM LL2 line stage and something else for phono or a Hovland for phono/line.

associated gear: acoustat monitor 4 w/ servo amps (obviously not balanced), 777es (not balanced), oracle mkI w/ glider tt.

other recs appreciated as well.

thanks in advance.
The Lamm L1 is superb, but the LL2 is ho-hum. If your only choices are LL2 and Hovland, I'd go with the Hovland. Though I think the Atma-Sphere preamps are better than either...
hey findoc, thanks for the input. can you elaborate? i was also looking at the atmasphere pres (more than likely i'd have to go with the mp-3 w/ phono but might stretch to the mp1 if i'm feeling sick) can you comment on the mp3 phono?

the atmaspheres concern me w/ the amount of tubes in the gain section. if i go nos i'll be broke.

btw, i'm trying to upgrade from my arc ref-1 line stage.

Yes, the Lamm L1 is an amazing line stage pre-amp as well, the CAT Ultimate or Signature SL1 for phone stage is truly amazing.I would use both, one for phone and one for line stage.
In my opinion, the Lamm L2 is amazing. I only auditioned the Lamm L2 once, everything about the L2 was just incredible I would say the BEST so far. From the highs to the lows " JUST INCREDIBLE". The soundstage was huge,every note in the music was hear. In Italy, they say in order for food to taste great, you need to prepare it with love.This Lamm L2 was difinitely made with love, "some serious love".