Lamm 1.2 vs. Pass xa 60.5


I currently own a pair of pass xa 60.5 driving my vivid g3 speakers. I'm missing some juice out of the speakers (same conclusion reached by stereophile recent review with the same pair). I'm thinking of going with different amps and thought about lamm 1.2 hybrids. Anyone matched those 2 amps ? Any other opinion where to go after the pass 60.5 in the $15-20k budget ?

Showing 2 responses by kevinkwann

"A sideways step"? Did you even bother to read what Syntax wrote? I'll go a step further. Yes, the Lamm is vastly superior and not just in the bass regions. Really good listeners--like Syntax--pick up on subtle things like the Pass's like of microdynamic nuance which is exactly what makes it sound as if it lacks emotion. Smooth? Sure. Lifeless? I think so, yes. The Lamm M1.2s are in an altogether different--and superior--league.
Good point, Bo. You can be sure the .8 series is vastly different than and utterly superior to every other iteration of Pass Labs amps ever created. After decades of trying, it's the .8 series that finally gets things right! Thanks for that insight.