Lamm 1.2 vs. Pass xa 60.5


I currently own a pair of pass xa 60.5 driving my vivid g3 speakers. I'm missing some juice out of the speakers (same conclusion reached by stereophile recent review with the same pair). I'm thinking of going with different amps and thought about lamm 1.2 hybrids. Anyone matched those 2 amps ? Any other opinion where to go after the pass 60.5 in the $15-20k budget ?

Showing 4 responses by icorem

Even though I like the pass sound in the last few years I own the xa60.5 and owned the x250 before that, I want to try something else with the risk I will regret this move eventually...
Thanks so far guys - appreciate your high value points.
Yes, I'm afraid moving to the Lamms will be a bit of a sideways step and I don't have a chance to audition. I also have the option of trading the 60.5 to a 100.8
ahhh - those tough but much needed decisions...
when will you get the 350.8 ?
I'm waiting for your impressions against the 100.5 !!