Lamm 1.2 vs. Pass xa 60.5


I currently own a pair of pass xa 60.5 driving my vivid g3 speakers. I'm missing some juice out of the speakers (same conclusion reached by stereophile recent review with the same pair). I'm thinking of going with different amps and thought about lamm 1.2 hybrids. Anyone matched those 2 amps ? Any other opinion where to go after the pass 60.5 in the $15-20k budget ?

Showing 1 response by cal3713

I don't know about the comparison with Lamm, but it's interesting how different some of the opinions regarding Pass are in here compared to most other threads. I've never heard the XA series described as lifeless or lacking emotion before.

Stereophile can certainly be criticized, but their review was pretty clear: "I don't have much to say about the Pass Labs XA60.5 other than this: It is the best-sounding amplifier I have ever used."

Anyway, if you do change amps (or already have), please remember to update the thread; it'll be informative to others to read about your comparisons. Good luck.