LAIV Harmony

New company with a new product.  There are several "professional" reviews out there, but not much consumer input here or elsewhere.  Those that have been using now for over a month, what are your thoughts?  What were you using previously and how does it compare?


knock on wood. Stand by what I said, hope you are right and I am wrong. Not sure where you are getting your data on ownership and failures. Couple of forums is not a valid comparison. Enjoy your DAC and keep a fire extinguisher close by.

@tkrtrb125 Modern electronic devices have a very low probability of starting fires as the failure modes are designed to be rather uneventful. You have a far higher probability starting a fire with tube gear (just from the tubes producing heat alone) than a device based on modern surface mount components failing. I’ve repaired my share of PCBs following failures to have zero cares about this...

If you’re kept up at night about a DAC causing a fire, might as well remove the stove, furnace and electrical wiring in your home as those are listed as the top causes of residential fires by the National Fire Protection Association.



My LAIV Harmony is the most organic DAC I've heard under 7K...for $2700 delivered is a Bargain. Thank You.