Kuzma 4Points and Lyra carts

I am currently enjoying a Lyra Etna SL on a Morch DP8. I am interested in trying a Kuzma 4Point.  I have heard that many find the Kuzma/Lyra combination to work well.

Does anyone think there would be an advantage to the 4Point 11" over the 4Point 9"?  Specifically with sound quality not VTA tower use. 

You might want to check out Galibier Design's website.  They are listing  Kuzma arms on Audiogon.  They have a hybrid option that uses the 4Point 9 foundation and swap in the 11" arm.  It gives a spindle to pivot of 264 mm.  You get the solidity and simplicity of the 9 base along with the 11 arm that has the VTF micro-adjustability.
Thom Mackris at Galibier is great.  I ordered my 4point 9 from him and he had an armboard drilled for me.  Should be receiving both this week.
Well I received the arm on two days ago and have got everything dialed in. I use Wally tools reference, SmarTractor and Adjust plus. 
My initial impressions are very positive.  Working with this arm is a pleasure. Obviously well made and easily adjustable once you figure out what bolt and screw adjusts what parameter.  This thing looks like it means business!

Sound-wise it was immediately apparent how good the arm matched the Etna SL.  Improved clarity, spaciousness without loss of detail.  The overall presentation was as others have described, more of a front row feeling with dynamics and energy.  
I’ll get the A90 and the SS Sussurro mounted on spare head shells eventually.

This was a good move!